Hola a todas!
Aquí estoy de vuelta, esta vez para quedarme. Ha habido muchos cambios en mi vida personal y el blog se ha visto afectado y por ello ha estado parado desde Septiembre.
Para las que no lo sepáis, me he mudado de Santander a Londres en noviembre. Necesitaba un cambio en mi vida desde hacía varios años y decidí tomarle, y no puedo estar más feliz de la decisión que tomé. Mi vida aquí es genial, estoy conociendo gente maravillosa y viviendo experiencias que se que no voy a olvidar y me van a marcar para siempre.
Londres es una ciudad increíble con muchísimas cosas que ofrecer. Museos, tiendas, diferentes culturas, restaurantes… y siempre hay algo que hacer!
Todavía no se si es un cambio permanente o temporal, lo único que se es que estoy muy feliz aquí y que disfrutaré cada momento sin pensar en qué pasará después.
En esta nueva etapa del blog no sólo os voy a enseñar mis outfits, eventos, colaboraciones etc si no que además va a haber una sección dedicada a los sitios que visito (restaurantes, bares, parques, tiendas etc) con una pequeña opinión del lugar. Aunque he de decir que procuraré publicar sitios que me hayan gustado a no ser que la experiencia haya sido nefasta. Por otra parte también habrá una sección dedicada a mi firma de ropa, Peony Crown, en donde os iré contando todas las novedades de la misma, puntos de venta, markets etc. Ya sabéis que si queréis contactar conmigo, colaborar con mi marca o adquirir alguna de las prendas sólo tenéis que mandarme un email a misspeonies@gmail.com
Tampoco os quiero contar más, prefiero que lo descubráis por vosotras mismas.
Sólo me queda deciros que vuelvo con mucha ilusión y con muchas ganas de enseñaros nuevos looks y mucho más!
Nos leemos pronto!
Hello folks!
Here I am again and this time to stay!
In the last months there has been a lot of changes in my life but the most important one is that I have moved from Santander (my home town in Spain) to London!
I really needed a change in my life since some years ago and I finally did it! I can´t be happier to be here in London, I have always wanted to live here and now I´m achieving one of my goals in life. This is an amazing city, full of life and lots of things to do and I´m learning a lot here about every single aspects in life!
I still don't know if it's going to be a permanent change or something temporal. The only this I know is that I´m going to enjoy this experience to the fullest without thinking about whats is going to happen later.
In this new season blogging I´m not only going to show you my daily outfits as always, there are going to be two new sections. One of them related to the places I go, like museums, restaurants and I´ll give you my personal opinion about them and some recommendations (positive vibes only!)and the other section it´s going to be about my own fashion brand, Peony Crown. I´m going to tell you all the news, new openings, collaborations etc! And don't forget that if you are interested in collaborate with me or my brand you are more than welcome! Just email me at misspeonies@gmail.com ;)
I´m so happy to be back again and can´t wait to start showing you new outfits and much much more!
Hello folks!
Here I am again and this time to stay!
In the last months there has been a lot of changes in my life but the most important one is that I have moved from Santander (my home town in Spain) to London!
I really needed a change in my life since some years ago and I finally did it! I can´t be happier to be here in London, I have always wanted to live here and now I´m achieving one of my goals in life. This is an amazing city, full of life and lots of things to do and I´m learning a lot here about every single aspects in life!
I still don't know if it's going to be a permanent change or something temporal. The only this I know is that I´m going to enjoy this experience to the fullest without thinking about whats is going to happen later.
In this new season blogging I´m not only going to show you my daily outfits as always, there are going to be two new sections. One of them related to the places I go, like museums, restaurants and I´ll give you my personal opinion about them and some recommendations (positive vibes only!)and the other section it´s going to be about my own fashion brand, Peony Crown. I´m going to tell you all the news, new openings, collaborations etc! And don't forget that if you are interested in collaborate with me or my brand you are more than welcome! Just email me at misspeonies@gmail.com ;)
I´m so happy to be back again and can´t wait to start showing you new outfits and much much more!
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